During school hours (Working Title)
This documentary explores the systematic removal of the Bible from public education and the ramifications of disconnecting our roots from the Biblical foundation western society is built upon. This film will dive into the deep legitimacy of the Bible, as well as the incredible story of the rediscovery of an old law that allows for reintroducing the Bible into the public school day as a beautiful example of the separation of church and state and how communities across the nation can take hold of this opportunity.
The current cut of the trailer for the film.
Clip from our interview with Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi, Philosopher and Social Reformer from India.
Clip from our interview with Dr. Jeff Kloha, Chief Curatorial Officer for the Museum of the Bible.
Clip from our interview with Kelly Sheckelford, President & CEO of First Liberty Institute.
Clip from our interview with Vince Coleman, Former inner city principal.
Dr. George Barna, Founder of the Barna Group, Director of Research at ACU’s Cultural Research Center.
This film will feature Joel Penton, CEO and Founder of LifeWise Academy, a ground-breaking non profit empowering communities across America to start Bible education classes for public school students during school hours.