The Real Work (Who We Are)

We spend a lot of our own time and money to do our own work. Work we love. Spec work. Often when we tell someone we’re doing something on spec they have a couple different responses, one is to feel bad for us because they assume we don’t have paying clients. The other is to be half inspired because we’re doing what we love, but of course (they assume) you have to do all the other boring work to pay the bills. One seems to pity us and the other somewhat assumes we’re too idealistic to actually be viable. Both ideas misunderstand us.

We aren’t doing these projects because we can’t find paying clients and these projects for us aren’t a side endeavor while we take leave from the slavery of the real work. For us this is the real work. And we’re in the driver seat. These projects are a beacon, a signal, a message out to a world of creatives and entrepreneurs and influencers to say, “This is who we are, this is what we believe.” And we don’t expect us to resonate with everyone, but that’s not the point. The point is to find the few we do resonate with, those who share the vision, who share the hunger for risk and beauty and innovation, who believe what we believe. We’re looking for you. We’re not in the business of trying to convince someone to take risks and to trust us as artists. We’re out to build relationships with the few who already do.

So when you see us pouring our own sweat and blood into the work we care about, it’s because this is who we are and this is what we believe. We're not afraid of failure, we're afraid to succeed doing work that doesn't really matter... If you don’t get it that’s ok, these just aren’t the droids you’re looking for.


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