We Need Your Sexiness

Does self doubt pour cold water all over your artistic sexiness?

Recently I’ve been blown away by several artists and musicians and the thread that moves through each of them is a form of creative integrity that I can’t think to call anything other than artistic sexiness. I think maybe you know what I mean. It’s an artistry that just moves and drips with feeling. Where the artist is lost and gone and clearly has no idea where they are anymore. It’s when someone ignores every inhibition to make the purest thing they can conjure. It’s obvious when I experience an artist in their moment because It’ll stop me dead in my tracks and it makes me want to scream with a sort of pent up celebration. It’s incredibly cathartic and I think it’s because it is in those moments that I catch clear glimpses of what we were created for.

But the problem is doubt... fear from the massive vulnerability that comes with it. A voice of “what if they don’t like what they see?” And like all great lies that voice is half right. There are many who won’t get it. But art isn’t made for the masses. It speaks deeply to those who resonate with your story, and that isn’t everyone. Some of the best art is inherently polarizing.

If you’re an artist, there’s a bigger calling on you than you may realize. A chance to offer hope in a way that others desperately need. Please don’t let your doubts keep us from experiencing the work you were crafted for. We need your sexiness.